Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everybody! Hope everyone who celebrates this is feasting well, and I'm sure beloved friends and family make everything taste much better!

(Jolie eating her first chocolate cookie! She sure is putting those two front teeth to good use already!)


  1. Merry X'mas to u, Camemberu! Jolie is really cute! :)

  2. Season's greetings and a delicious new year! Thank you for your advice about the rowenta oven, I finally bought it hehe ... your daughter is adorable =)

  3. Belated merry xmas!! catherine u using rowenta oven too? i'm in half mind to get rowenta or a build-in oven since the ariston one cost just a bit more than the rowenta one

    noobcook: congrats on the excellent buy!

  4. Merry Xmas and Happy New Year 09

  5. Too young for choc cookie? :P!

  6. Merry New Year and Happy Xmas, dear! Hehe...

    Glad to see lil Jolie getting started on one of the four major food groups: CHOCOLATE! :D

  7. lol, very cute those bugs bunny teeth.
    Happy New Year to you and family!

  8. Hahaha, thanks. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!

    Yeah, I did think she was a bit young to have chocolate, but grandma gave. Oh well, she's still OK, and in fact has started eating spicy foods as well! :P

  9. Oh LIC, sorry, forgot to reply you. Yes, I am using a Rowenta. It rawks! Well, for a tabletop oven anyway.


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