Sunday, July 26, 2009

Nadine is 3 Years Old!

Nadine turned 3 years old on 23 July. Ever so happy-go-lucky and tough as nails.

We're grateful for her progress. She's got more than 200 words in her spoken vocabulary now. Of course, not every word is crystal clear, but hey, at least she's vocalising. Starting to chant the alphabet and numbers too (TV helps!). She can also (very enthusiastically) give you the thumbs up sign for "good"!

Nadine and Jolie, very loving and goofy together
Nadine loves her sister Jolie. They are such goofy playmates. Jolie is now 1.5 years old, and fast catching up in size. We often get asked if they are twins (even when we don't dress them alike).

Nadine - always curious and happy
Yes, some social discrimination has started. A couple of older kids refuse to play with Nadine at the playground; they complain she looks "funny". But the rest don't care that she is different. We do see more young people with Down Syndrome out and about town, so maybe by the time Nadine grows up, she will have less discrimination to deal with.

They both love the gorgeous kitchen set - it's got light and sounds!
And since it is also her daddy's birthday, we held a small party last Saturday for hubby's office colleagues. They gave Nadine a toy kitchen set, among many other things, which both kids loved! Thank you, guys!

This thing has lights to simulate cooking fire, and even makes boiling and frying noises! Back in my days, we had to imagine or add our own sound effects when playing "masak-masak" (cooking).

Watch out, Gordon Ramsay!
Watch out, Gordon, Jamie and Nigella!


  1. A be-lated happy birthday to Nadine! With the love, warmth and support from her loving family, Nadine will grow up to be a fine young lady.

  2. Happy Birthday Nadine! Cook Nic gor-gor some yummy food from the masak-masak set ya! :)

  3. My bday is exactly the same as your gal but im SO MUCH OLDER than her! :)

  4. Happy sweet birthday Nadine!
    Cute little girls you got there!

  5. Happy Birthday Nadine! Cat, I love your girls! They are gorgeous!

  6. Nadine has such a sunshine smile...
    And woah, what a cool masak masak set, I bet she loves it!

  7. Happy Belated Birthday to Nadine... Always a cutie pie in front of your mummy's cammie...

    May your birthday wishes come true and stay happy as always =)

    Wow, kids grow up so fast... Still recall seeing pictures of Nadine and Jolie a few months back...

  8. Happy Birthday Nadine!

    You have grown so much since the last time I saw you! Ask Mummy to bring you out, then I get you a belated birthday treat? :-)

  9. Haha thank you all for the wonderful birthday wishes!

    Nic: hey should be Uncle Nic, no? lol

    Ranting: haha, my hubby also same day! and he's hit the big 4-0!

    Sky and Manda: thanks very much!

    Tracy: yes, thankfully she has not destroyed it yet!

    Fen: they are still growing too slow for me...a few months is very taxing!

    Kman: haha ok next time i bring her out...

  10. I was about to post a comment that it has been awhile since you blogged about your girls.. hee..nevertheless Blessed Birthday Lil Nadine! =)

  11. This is so sweet! I love the picture of Nadine and Jolie together (= And Nadine doesn't look any different to me! Anyway, happy belated birthday to Nadine and your husband.

  12. Happy Birthday to Nadine and best wishes.

    PS: Such discrimination makes me bristle with anger and indignation. Think their parents are also responsible in educating them.

  13. Anon: thank you! :) I try not to flood the blog with too many personal posts. Just special occasions or milestones.

    Chenyze: that's sweet of you!

    Rachel: thanks too! Well, we can't avoid discrimination, we just have to deal with it, I guess.

  14. Nadine is my favorite 'blogger'! Love the energy and bravery she shows in your posts! Happy belated birthday Nadine!

  15. Camemberu...glad I'm not hitting the big 4 YET! ;) But alr in the 3s! ;)

  16. you have bootiful kids! envy u!!


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