Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hong Kong Street Family Restaurant

Hae Cho - Deep-fried Crispy Prawn Roll

This is a much belated post. The April 2010 Makansutra dinner took place at Hong Kong Street Family Restaurant (Novena Garden branch). It was a 10-course dinner, full of merriment as usual, enhanced by bottles of wine along with friendships, new and old.

First up was Hae Cho. Deep-fried crispy prawn rolls - what's not to like? The dinners, much like wedding dinners, tend to start a bit late, so our table of hungry people polished this off in no time.

Sharks fin with Crab Meat
2) Sharks fin with Crab Meat: generous ingredients but also thick, goopy and starchy.

Steamed Red Snapper HK Style
3) Steamed Red Snapper HK Style: fresh and sweet, but too bad a little oversteamed so the texture was a bit dry.

Thai Style Cream Sauce Prawns
4) Thai Style Cream Sauce Prawns: this turned out to be pretty good, with the bits of kaffir lime leaves adding some aromatic kick.

Steamed Chicken with Ham sauce
5) Steamed Chicken with Ham sauce: alas, this was supposed to be boneless slices of chicken sandwiching the ham, but i guess with such a large crowd, they merely chopped the chicken up and spread the ham on top.

Home-made Tofu
6) Home made Tofu: This tasted more like seafood/fishcake, but not in a bad way. Crunchy on the outside, softly moist on the inside.

Beauties at our table
Gratuitous shot of beauties at our table posing for Ivan. Wonderful people.

Braised Pig Trotters with Sea Cucumber
7) Braised Pig Trotters with Sea Cucumber: one of the items on the menu that drew me here. While not the best I've had, this was still pretty decent. I took 2-3 helpings.

Sauteed Bailing Mushroom with Shanghai Baby Cabbage
8) Sauteed Bailing Mushroom with Shanghai Baby Cabbage: Loved the mushrooms but steered clear of the "baby cabbage" - nai bai is too much like xiao bai chye which I am not fond of.

Steamed Lotus Leaf Rice
9) Steamed Lotus Leaf Rice: ohhh this simple-looking dish was so savoury and delicious, I packed the remnants home. Good use of dried shrimp, dried mushrooms and whatever makes it umami. Probably my favourite item here.

Longan with Fruit Jelly
10) Longan with Fruit Jelly: I love jelly but this one was strangely coloured and flavoured. I am not sure what fruit it tried to be. But icy longans are always refreshing.

This should be DreamyCow, not HungryCow...
Everyone was quite well-fed. While it was not the most spectacular dinner we've had, it was good hearty fare. TheHungryCow brought some interesting people too. An infectiously chirpy girl from near-work, an Indonesian scientist trying to learn Mandarin, and her husband, a neurologist/neuroscientist who spends weekends teaching math to kids with Down Syndrome. Hehe, I also spend weekends and weekdays teaching math and ABCs to a kid with Down Syndrome, just not as selflessly. Anyway, you never know who you'll meet at these dinners. That's part of the fun.

273 Thomson Road
#01-01 Novena Garden
Singapore 307644
Tel: +65 6252-3132
Open daily 11.30am – 2.45pm, 5.30pm – 11pm

Other branch:
20 Eastwood Road #01-03 Eastwood Centre
Tel: +65 6245-3881


  1. Now that's what I call a real BANQUET!

    And good company to go with the good food - nothing beats that! :)

  2. What a feast! Everything looks so yummy! and I do envy your shots - all so beautiful -even at night! It doesn't appear like you use flash, but every dish is so well lighted!... I am terrified of the flash...

  3. Thanks, Kenny! I love these multi-course dinners. Communal degustation!

    Shirley, the lighting was good enough not to need flash, but I did use an external flash anyway, for additional fill-in light. You can't use the full frontal flash on food, I agree!


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