Pig stomach soup never quite looks enticing, but it is such a bowl of comfort.
This is the Teochew style of pig offal soup (I opted out of the other piggy parts - kidney, intestines, lean meat, skin, and especially liver). The soup base is "cheng" or clear. And the pig stomach has been so thoroughly cleaned, there is zero offensive smell. The unexpected highlight here is the salted vegetables. The sweet pickled tang of the salted mustard leaves really helps to 开胃, (lit. open the stomach) pardon the pun. Highly appetising.
The Koh Brothers have a very long history and have earned raves for their decades of hard work. I only hope that they will be able to continue, and their successors unafraid of the laborious chores cleaning the innards and preparing the broth until it is perfect balance of flavours.

They may be from the 1950s but they have a Facebook page, OK!
30 Seng Poh Road
#02-29 Tiong Bahru Food Centre
Open 9am to 3pm, closed Mondays
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