Friday, May 25, 2012

First Photos From The Casio Exilim ZR20

Jolie making faces
Well, I've had some time to play with the Casio Exilim ZR20, and these are the preliminary photos.

Low light night scene
The Premium Auto PRO mode that automatically picks the best settings works really well. Even at low light (as above), photos turn out decently. I rather suspect it takes several rapid shots and blends them together to get that better brightness and clarity.

Sunset shot
Sunset shot.

The kids love taking photos with this camera
The kids love playing with this camera. Here's Nadine taking a mirror shot.

Jolie as taken by Nadine
Here's Jolie as taken by Nadine.

Nadine as taken by Jolie
Here's Nadine as taken by Jolie.

Multi Frame Super Resolution Zoom
I tried out the Multi Frame Super Resolution Zoom (which allows a zoom of up to 16 times) on the neighbouring school from my block on the 25th floor. At that level of zoom, my hand movements proved shaky but the zoom shows a lot of detail!

I also tested out at Gluttons Bay the various "Best Shot" modes:

Best Shot HDR
The camera's HDR mode blends different exposures to give optimum clarity.

Best Shot HDR Art Mode
HDR Art Mode. Gives an arty filter effect.

Best Shot Toy Camera mode
Toy Camera mode: dark edges and altered hues make the photo look like it was shot with a toy camera.

Best Shot Pop Mode
Pop Mode gives enhanced saturation.

Best Shot Monochrome mode
Monochrome - see the world in black and white.

Slide Panorama
The Slide Panorama mode allows you to take a really wide panoramic shot.

There are lots more modes (nearly 40 of them), so you have lots of effects to play with.

But what about food?

BBQ Chicken Wings
BBQ chicken wings.

Crinkle-cut fries
Crinkle-cut fries.

Fish & Chips
Fish and chips.

Not too bad, the colours are pretty much as-is, and I didn't have to tweak much.

Banana fritters with creamy kaya fondue
Oh if you haven't tried the banana fritters with creamy kaya fondue from Sweet Spot at Gluttons Bay, give it a whirl. I do wish the kaya was thicker and not drippy, but the combination is still tasty as it is.

On the whole, the Casio Exilim ZR20 is quite versatile and really easy to use (hey, even my four year old and my little one with special needs can use it without much coaching). It starts up quickly, and the dual processor makes it ready to take one shot after another without too much delay. But some shots which require multiple rapid shots understandably do take some time. The camera also does quite well in low light situations. Well, I'm still learning how to use the many features it has. But I think this will be useful to bring along on holidays or outings when I don't want to lug my bulky DSLR.


  1. ur babies r so cute siah!!!
    omg those sinful food... I think u really can take very delicious shots of chicken wings!

  2. haha the pics look good. Surely worth considering. So timely, I am looking for an upgrade to my S95 now.


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