Hello folks, I am in Okinawa again!
They are developing a new tour concept to showcase the island’s secret of living healthy and maintain an active life well into 90s and possibly 100s. I hope to be able to show some of that when I get back.
On my previous trip, we also got to see some of their lifestyle, diet and outlook that help to contribute to happy and long lives.
I wrote a piece then for Yahoo Makanation.
Food plays a big part, but so does their attitude. "Nan kuru nai sa" (難来る無いさ) literally meaning "hardship won't come" or everything will be all right.
You can also see all my earlier Okinawa posts - Churaumi Aquarium, Cape Manzamo, JAL Naha (incredible food) and an intro.
What pretty allocation that you have presented here about tour. Real fact is that tour is very important for us Who we want to visit anyone place ago will select better place for us then we will go to there. Thanks a lot for letting this information...........