Monday, December 30, 2013

New Year Resolutions? I Think A Whole Year Is Too Long

Yes, it's the time again for annual reflection. I don't believe in new year resolutions - mainly because one year is way too long. It's like being given an overly generous deadline.

New month resolutions. Now that's something worth considering. Punchier deadlines in which to see results! Goals you can keep, trash or tweak as you go. And not too many goals at one time. Just three for me.

1. Blog fresh, blog faster
I remember the early days when I used to do same-day posts. Yeah, eat today, post today. That was almost seven years ago. Life was a lot simpler then. My camera was a lot simpler then. My posts were a lot simpler too (just 1-3 photos). Now with much more things to juggle, and my greed for more in-depth coverage, it's a bit harder. Some posts get delayed, and that's not fun. Maybe it's time to take a leaf from the simpler days. Faster, fresher and more frequent posts. After I Clear my backlog...

2. Work easier, smarter, and safer
I need more time for family. The girls are starting primary school and will need help (heck, I'll need help too, cos have you seen what math is like now?). I'm glad I have flexible hours, but it still stacks up. Singaporeans famously work the longest hours. But we don't always earn the most or produce the best results. I just read this Forbes story - look at the chart  - hours worked per year axis, we are right there on top! But earnings and productivity? Hmmm...

Oh, I like this post which describes our approach to work as somewhat sadomasochistic! So true but not funny - an Indonesian copywriter at Y&R keeled over from overwork! See her last messages about the crazy hours. And then just days later in Beijing, a young man from Ogilvy PR dies from working too much in the office. Wow, it says China loses 600,000 people to overwork every year - that's like 20 times Singapore's birth rate!

The tendency to overwork can be compelling. I've had my agency days; days ending at 11pm or 2am sound all too familiar to me. Also, flexible work arrangements to achieve work-life balance is not a luxury, it's a necessity that everyone should have a right to.

Gotta work easier, smarter, safer, as they say. The "how" part is the tricky part I'm still trying to figure out, but here are eight tips someone shared with me.

3. Exercise more!
Hey, this has got to be the most neglected of all new year resolutions. I know. I can lean towards the lazy side, but I do love the challenge and effects of a good workout. Next year, I'm adding a new Fitness Friday series (maybe once or twice a month), where I'll share interesting workouts I've found. Maybe a healthy recipe too.

All this blogging and writing also means I spend long hours in front of the computer, getting the attendant problems. When you're tired, you neglect posture. Some days my neck and shoulders are killing me. I'm thinking of swapping out my chair for an exercise ball. Makes you sit up straight! Keeps your core engaged. And you can bounce on it when you get a catchy song!

Hopefully these will be good impetus to keep more active regardless of how hectic the schedule gets. It's the best thing you can do for your health, which is all you have in the long run.

Have a happy and healthy new year!


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